Sites & Buildings
Fremont Crossroad
The Fremont Crossroad site offers up to 50 acres subdividable into minimum parcels of 5 acres each. This site is located on the south side of the Town of Fremont and offers pad-ready lots ready for your next business expansion. All utilities are located on the site. Cardinal IG and Cold Heading would be your next-door neighbors.
Orland Industrial Park
The Orland Industrial Park site is off Maple Street in Orland on the west side of town. The Town of Orland presently owns this site and offers a rural community site. The Town is motivated to bring a new project to the community.
Innovation Park in Angola
The Innovation Park in Angola is a community collaboration product that offers roughly 30 acres of developable land strategically located at the southwest intersection of Interstate 69 and U.S. 20 west of the center of Angola. One property owner owns this pad-ready site, and all utilities have been brought to the water tower location. High visibility makes this location desirable off of I-69. The right project at this site will allow the developer and community the opportunity to make this the next Certified Tech Park in the State of Indiana.
Hudson Shovel-Ready Site
The Hudson Industrial Site is located on the west side of Hudson and includes 38 acres along County Line Road. The north boundary of the site is located adjacent to the Indiana Northeastern Rail station, which would provide an opportunity for rail access. The Town of Hudson owns this shovel-ready site. All common utilities are located adjacent to this site.