Annual Event
Year in Review
The Steuben County Economic Development Corporation hosts an annual meeting to review performance, discuss important matters, and plan for the future. The annual meetings often include presentations, Q&A sessions, and networking opportunities, fostering transparency and communication between leadership and participants. It is a key event for setting priorities and ensuring alignment on the organization's mission and vision for the upcoming year. Additionally, the presentation highlights the five pillars of economic development.
Five Pillars of Economic Development
Business Retention & Expansion: Business retention and expansion (BRE) visits are proactive outreach efforts to engage with existing businesses in a community. During the annual meeting, data related to BRE visits are discussed including strategies and objectives. The business Retention & Expansion (BRE) program, coupled with Tax Compliance, helps the EDC keep a constant pulse on the industry environment in Steuben County.
Business Attraction: Business attraction in the context of economic development refers to the strategies and initiatives employed by governments, local authorities, or economic development organizations to attract new businesses, companies, and investments to a specific geographic area or region. The goal is to stimulate economic growth, create jobs, and enhance the community's overall prosperity. The SCEDC works with the IEDC on SSI Process for Identifying sites for future development & growth.
Talent Attraction & Development: Talent attraction involves attracting skilled professionals to apply for positions within an organization. This process focuses on reaching and engaging the right candidates who can contribute to the company's success. Talent development is the process of enhancing the skills, knowledge, and abilities of current employees to help them grow within the organization. Talent attraction and development are fundamental to growing Steuben County's labor shed and enhancing the community.
Economic Development & Messaging: Marketing in economic development promotes a region or community as an attractive destination for investment, business expansion, and talent. The objective of economic development marketing is to drive economic growth by enhancing the area’s reputation, attracting new businesses, fostering job creation, and improving overall community well-being. Economic development messaging emphasizes the importance of economic development by offering local businesses opportunities for networking and marketing.
Community Development & Growth: Community development and growth in the context of economic development refer to the process of improving the social, economic, and physical well-being of a community through collaborative efforts and strategic planning. The SCEDC is passionate about enhancing the community through new projects and initiatives.
Our Past 20 Years
2003 – Organized on August 19th as a 501©3 –a true private nonprofit
2003-2008 – The EDC worked on 49 projects which helped to invest more than $49 million in the community and created 876 new jobs
2009-2012 – The EDC worked on 37 projects with an investment of over $65 million dollars and created 1,052 new jobs
2012 – Private investment began to support economic development
2013 – The Steuben County Economic Development Fund was established with the Community Foundation
2014 – The Enterprise Center was conceptualized
2015 – The EDC became a Semi-Finalist of the America’s Best Communities and actively participated in Regional Cities Initiative
2016-2017 – Completion of Enterprise Center ($2 Million investment)
2018 – Active Project Year (19 total projects)
2003-2018 – The EDC worked on 105 projects with over $493 Million in investment creating over 1,250 new jobs
2019 – The EDC worked on 23 projects and developed a marketing structure
2020-2022 – The EDC introduced the housing strategy study and manufacturing academy
2016-2023 – The EDC has completed 111 projects and increased the workforce by 1,316 workers
2023 – The EDC facilitated the creation of over 200 additional housing units