SCEDC Legislative Watch - February 2025

30 Jan 2025
At the closing of January 2025, the final push of the first half of the 2025 Legislative Session is well underway. Here are some bills that we are watching.
House Bills
HB 1007 ENERGY GENERATION RESOURCES– (Soliday, E) Provides a credit against state tax liability for expenses incurred in the manufacture of a small modular nuclear reactor (SMR) in Indiana.
Recommitted to Ways and Means
HB1032 FOREIGN INTERESTS. (HAGGARD C) Prohibits a prohibited person from entering into a contract for the provision of goods or services with the state, a state agency, and a political subdivision.
Referred to Judiciary
HB1059 HIGH VALUE WORKFORCE READY CREDIT-BEARING GRANT (LEDBETTER C) Provides that an applicant who has previously received a baccalaureate degree or an associate degree may be eligible for a high value workforce ready credit-bearing grant if the applicant: (1) received a diploma of graduation, a high school equivalency certificate, or a state of Indiana general educational development diploma five or more years before the applicant applies for a grant; and (2) is not working in the subject matter field in which the applicant received the baccalaureate degree or associate degree.
Referred to Education
HB1071 RESIDENT TUITION RATE. (HARRIS E) Provides that an individual who meets certain conditions is eligible for the resident tuition rate as determined by the state educational institution.
Referred to Education
HB1075 PROPERTY TAXES. (HAGGARD C) Provides that, for assessments beginning in 2026, the assessed value of homestead property shall not be subject to annual adjustments (trending), but instead shall be determined based on the assessed value of the homestead on the January 1, 2025, assessment date, the assessed value of the homestead on the first assessment date that it becomes homestead property, if it was not a homestead on the January 1, 2025, assessment date, or the sales price or fair market value of the homestead, if there is a change of ownership after January 1, 2025.
Referred to Ways and Means
HB1089 HIGH VALUE WORKFORCE READY CREDIT-BEARING GRANTS. (GARCIA WILBURN V) Provides that, in addition to eligible certificate programs, a workforce ready credit-bearing grant may be used for costs of enrolling in an English as a new language program or course.
Referred to Education
HB1101 TAX DEDUCTION AND CREDIT FOR PERSONS 65 OR OLDER. (ABBOTT D) Increases, for purposes of the deduction for persons 65 or older: (1) the adjusted gross income threshold for an individual from $30,000 to $40,000; (2) the combined adjusted gross income threshold for an individual filing a joint return with the individual's spouse from $40,000 to $50,000; (3) the combined adjusted gross income for an individual and all other individuals that are joint tenants or tenants in common from $40,000 to $50,000; and (4) the maximum assessed value of the property subject to the deduction from $240,000 to $350,000.
Referred to Ways and Means
HB1103 FOREIGN TRADE OFFICES. (COMMONS M) Prohibits the Indiana economic development corporation from establishing a trade office in the People's Republic of China.
Referred to Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
HB1113 FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS. (ZIMMERMAN A) Expands the purposes for which a fire protection district may be established.
Recommitted to Ways and Means
HB1172 OFFICE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATION. (TESHKA J) Establishes the office of entrepreneurship and innovation (office).
Referred to Commerce, Small Business and Economic Development
HB1196 MEMBERSHIP OF AVIATION BOARDS. (ISA T) Provides that an eligible entity with a population of less than 38,000 is not subject to the political party membership requirements for a board of aviation commissioners or an airport authority.
Referred to Elections and Apportionment
HB1219 TAXATION OF GRAIN PROCESSING EQUIPMENT. (CULP K) Provides an assessed value deduction for eligible grain processing equipment equal to 100% of the assessed value for assessment dates beginning in 2026.
Referred to Ways and Means
HB1223 TOURISM DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. (KARICKHOFF M) Establishes a program administered by the Indiana destination development corporation (IDDC) to provide an incentive for tourism development projects in the form of a sales tax rebate available to businesses that are able to satisfy the requirements needed to enter into an agreement with the IDDC with respect to specified tourism development projects.
Referred to Government and Regulatory
HB1229 LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (PRESCOTT J) Abolishes the assessment of tangible property after December 31, 2025, and the imposition of property taxes after December 31, 2026.
HB1248 CHILD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT FUND. (ROWRAY E) Provides that a household that includes a foster parent at the time of the office of secretary of family and social services' initial determination is eligible for assistance under the Child Care and Development Fund program.
HB1250 ASSESSMENT OF PRIME FARMLAND. (CULP K) Provides a reduced property tax assessment classification for prime farmland.
HB1253 CHILD CARE. (HEINE D) Makes various changes to align the language in the following provisions with the current language in the definition for "child care home": (1) The applicability for the child care article. (2) The voucher program eligibility. Provides that a granted waiver or variance expires three years after the date that the waiver or variance becomes effective.
HB1264 NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENTS IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. (GREENE R) Provides that the Indiana economic development corporation, the state, any instrumentality of the state, or any other public authority, or any party negotiating on behalf of any of those entities, may not, after June 30, 2025, enter into an economic development agreement or contract that contains any provision, clause, or language that provides that the agreement or contract, or any of its terms, is confidential, or that the parties to the agreement or contract are prohibited from disclosing, discussing, describing, or commenting upon the terms of the agreement or contract.
HB1268 DNR STUDY OF GROUND WATER RESOURCES. (COMMONS M) Requires the department of natural resources (department) to study certain information pertaining to ground water and water withdrawals.
HB1269 INDIANA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. (COMMONS M) Provides for appointment to the board of the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) of two nonvoting, advisory members who are members of the general assembly.
HB1345 INCOME TAX REPLACEMENT. (BORDERS B) Eliminates the state adjusted gross income tax by reducing the rate to zero.
HB1362 ANNEXATION. (HALL D) With certain exceptions, requires a municipality that initiates an annexation to file with the court an annexation petition approved by the signatures of: (1) at least 65% of the owners of land not exempt from property taxes in the annexation territory; or (2) the owners of at least 80% in assessed valuation of land not exempt from property taxes in the annexation territory. Requires the court to hold a hearing if the petition has the necessary signatures.
HB1402 LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE. (THOMPSON J) Phases in a total exemption for business personal property that is placed in service after January 1, 2025.
HB1408 REGIONAL INNOVATION DEVELOPMENT. (HEINE D) Provides that a regional development authority (RDA) (rather than the Indiana economic development corporation) may designate territory within a county, city, or town as a regional innovation development and manufacturing district (district).
HB1430 EMPLOYEE CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM. (DANT CHESSER W) Establishes the employee child care assistance partnership program.
HB1461 ROAD FUNDING. (PRESSEL J) Prohibits the Indiana economic development corporation from providing certain incentives to a person unless the terms of the incentive include a provision regarding the payment of costs for improvements to state or local transportation infrastructure.
HB1519 WORKFORCE HOUSING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. (MILLER D) Establishes the workforce housing assistance program (program).
HB1561 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. (CLERE E) Provides that a redevelopment commission may use money from certain funds for the purpose of paying more toward debt service obligations, in order to retire debt service earlier, regardless of whether that use is listed in the redevelopment commission's annual spending plan.
HB1576 SMALL TOWN OPPORTUNITY INITIATIVE. (GOSS-REAVES L) Adds provisions concerning the awarding of redevelopment tax credits by the Indiana economic development corporation (IEDC) for projects located in counties, cities, and towns that meet specified population and project criteria.
HB1584 CHILD CARE TAX CREDITS. (HAMILTON C) Provides a child and dependent care refundable tax credit against an individual's Indiana adjusted gross income tax for employment related child and dependent care expenses based on the taxpayer's Indiana adjusted gross income and a percentage of the federal child and dependent care tax credit the taxpayer claimed for the taxable year for federal income tax purposes.
HB1612 RURAL BUSINESS GROWTH. (LINDAUER S) Establishes a state tax credit (credit) for certain capital investments made in rural funds.
HB1615 MILITARY BASE DEVELOPMENT. (LINDAUER S) Establishes the Indiana military base infrastructure grant program (program) for physical infrastructure projects located on current or proposed Indiana military bases.
HB1646 LOCAL OPTION SALES TAXES. (ISA T) Allows counties, cities, and towns to adopt a local sales tax applicable to tangible personal property delivered (not by common carrier) within the geographic boundaries of the political subdivision.
SB1 PROPERTY TAX RELIEF. (HOLDMAN T) Amends the homestead standard deduction amount to equal either: (1) 60% of the homestead's assessed value (AV), in the case of a homestead with an AV that exceeds $125,000; or (2) $48,000 plus 60% of the remaining AV, in the case of a homestead with an AV of $125,000 or less. Repeals the supplemental homestead deduction.
Referred to Tax and Fiscal
SB4 WATER MATTERS. (KOCH E) Prohibits the construction, operation, purchase, sale, and lease of a long haul water pipeline, except as to a water utility that obtains a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the Indiana utility regulatory commission.
Referred to Committees
SB20 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND FOREIGN TRADE. (BOHACEK M) Requires the governor to terminate any contract or other agreement entered into between the state and an economic development partner that is based in or owned by a foreign adversary.
Referred to Homeland Security
SB28 GROUND WATER EMERGENCIES. (GLICK S) Allows the owner or operator of a significant ground water withdrawal facility to file a complaint with the director of the department of natural resources (director) that a water well on the property of the owner of the significant ground water withdrawal facility failed to furnish the well's normal supply of water or failed to furnish potable water.
Referred to Utilities
SB104 RESIDENTIAL TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. (NIEMEYER R) Provides, in the case of an allocation provision adopted after June 30, 2025, for a residential housing development program, that the redevelopment commission (commission) shall annually transfer at least 5% of the aggregate allocated tax proceeds from the allocation area to the general fund of the unit that established the commission to assist that unit in the payment of costs incurred for the provision of police, fire, and ambulance services within the allocation area.
Referred to Tax and Fiscal
SB126 ANNEXATION. (BUCK J) With certain exceptions, requires a municipality that initiates an annexation to file with the court an annexation petition approved by the signatures of: (1) at least 51% of the owners of non-tax exempt land in the annexation territory; or (2) the owners of at least 75% in assessed valuation of non-tax exempt land in the annexation territory.
Referred to Local Government
SB178 NATURAL GAS AS A CLEAN ENERGY SOURCE. (BUCK J) Provides that it is the continuing policy of the state to recognize natural gas as "clean energy" or "green energy" for purposes of any state or federal program that provides funding or other incentives for: (1) clean energy initiatives or projects; (2) green energy initiatives or projects; or (3) any similarly designated initiatives or projects; in Indiana.
Referred to Utilities
SB212 NATURAL GAS AND ELECTRIC UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE. (GLICK S) Provides that an applicant that seeks: (1) the installation or extension of electric or natural gas utility infrastructure; (2) electric or natural gas utility service; or (3) both; in connection with certain development projects is entitled to request and convene, before commencing construction on the project, at least one technical advisory meeting with each utility whose service area includes the project site.
Referred to Utilities
SB251 INDIANA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION. (DEERY S) Provides that the governor may convene meetings with individuals from certain state agencies to work toward communicating a single, strategic economic development plan for the state.
Referred to Commerce and Technology
SB256 GROUND WATER. (DEERY S) Establishes the ground water and aquifer preservation task force to recommend water regulations to the legislative council.
Referred to Utilities
SB305 RURAL COMMUNITIES. (ZAY A) Establishes the saving rural Indiana program (program) for the purpose of building additional local capacity allowing innovative communities to create solutions for challenges facing rural Indiana.
Referred to Agriculture
SB346 RURAL BUSINESS GROWTH. (BUCHANAN B) Establishes a state tax credit (credit) for certain capital investments made in rural funds.
Referred to Tax and Fiscal
SB377 FUNDING FOR REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. (GOODE G) Provides certain planning and review requirements that must occur before funding may be allotted and disbursed to a state agency for purposes of regional development.
Referred to Appropriations
SB423 SMALL MODULAR NUCLEAR REACTOR PILOT PROGRAM. (KOCH E) Establishes the small modular nuclear reactor partnership pilot program (program). Provides that certain electric utilities (eligible utilities) may partner with one or more other specified types of partners (eligible partners) to develop one or more small modular nuclear reactors (SMRs) at an eligible project site, subject to the approval of the Indiana utility regulatory commission (IURC).
Referred to Utilities
SB425 ENERGY PRODUCTION ZONES. (KOCH E) Provides that a project owner is not required to apply for or receive a permit, or any other land use or zoning approval, from a local governmental agency for the construction of an electric generation facility if: (1) the Indiana utility regulatory commission (commission): (A) grants the project owner a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) for the construction; or (B) declines jurisdiction over the construction; (2) the electric generation facility will be located on a premise of land on which there is located: (A) an existing electric generation facility with a generating capacity of at least 80 megawatts, regardless of whether the electric generation facility is operational; or (B) a former surface or underground mine; and (3) the project owner complies with specified notice and hearing requirements.
Referred to Utilities
SB426 WATER UTILITY INFRASTRUCTURE. (KOCH E) Amends the statute governing the acquisition of water utilities and wastewater utilities to require the Indiana utility regulatory commission to consider and authorize mechanisms to allow utility companies to integrate into their systems, invest in, and earn on acquired utility assets.
Referred to Utilities
SB439 TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. (BOHACEK M) Provides that if a proposed redevelopment project area is not taxable at the time the allocation area is being established, any property taxes that would have been paid on undeveloped land shall be included in the base assessed value for purposes of determining property tax levy distributions to the appropriate local units.
Referred to Tax and Fiscal
SB443 BUSINESS PERSONAL PROPERTY TAX. (FREEMAN A) Increases the acquisition cost threshold for the business personal property tax exemption from $80,000 to $160,000.
Referred to Tax and Fiscal
SB451 INCOME TAX RATE. (HOLDMAN T) Provides for a decrease in the individual adjusted gross income tax rate beginning in 2030 depending on certain conditions being met.
Referred to House
SB463 CHILD CARE MATTERS. (CHARBONNEAU E) Adds additional qualified child care expenditures for purposes of the employer child care expenditure tax credit and extends the availability of the credit through July 1, 2027.
Reassigned to Appropriations
SB466 MILITARY BASE INFRASTRUCTURE GRANT PROGRAM. (BASSLER E) Establishes the Indiana military base infrastructure grant program (program) for physical infrastructure projects located on current or proposed Indiana military bases.
Referred to Tax and Fiscal
SB516 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND SMALL BUSINESS INNOVATION. (BUCHANAN B) Establishes the office of small business and innovation (office).
Referred to Commerce and Technology
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